

Effect of added mass and experimental tail on limb posture and kinematics.(A) Diagram showing the average limb posture during standing position of control (C), control-weight (CW), and experimental subjects (E). The stick figure above indicates the limb segment orientation among groups to visualize postural differences among treatments. Hindlimb bones and segment orientation are color-coded as in Fig. 1. (B) Diagram of the average limb posture during touch down (beginning of support phase) and during lift-off (end of support phase) of control, control-weight, and experimental animals. (C) Femur angle through the support phase for control, control-weight, and experimental subjects. Data are presented as mean ? s.e.m.
Experimental conditions and kinematic parameters measured.(A) Scheme of the control (C, grey hindlimbs), control-weight (CW, yellow hindlimbs), and experimental (E, orange hindlimbs) subjects. Control-weight subjects were raised with extra weight located over the pelvis. Experimental animals were raised carrying a wooden stick inserted in modeling clay and attached to the pelvic girdle. Estimations of the center of mass of the tail rig (tCOM), as well as of a control (cCOM) and of an experimental individual (eCOM), are shown. (B) Diagram of the segmental angles (f, femur; tt, tibio-tarsus; tm, tarso-metatarsus) and joint angles (k, knee; a, ankle) used in this study.


Copyright: © 2014 Grossi et al.
Original:Walking Like Dinosaurs
